Our Purpose: Provide you and your educational institution a framework, tools, and models for customizing your own professional development course for teachers to learn and adopt innovative and inquiry-based teaching methods and assessments that result in excellence in student learning – the IITE Course.
We've organized the materials on this website into 3 major sections:
- Templates, Tools, and Techniques: All the components of the IITE course that you'll need to implement your own faculty professional development course
- Templates for designing your IITE course
- Completed templates used for the University of Lucknow's IITE Course
- The presentation materials for delivering the different sections of the IITE Course
- Video of how the IITE curriculum was delivered a the University of Lucknow
- Real world examples of innovative and inquiry-based lessons plans produced by the teaching taking the IITE course
- The faculty at the University of Lucknow created new, innovative lesson plans that used the inquiry based methods and used Open Educational Resources (OER) found in MERLOT.
- A library of online resources that should enable you to customize your own IITE course in ways that address the needs of your students, teachers, and institutions.
Who Created this Website?
- Faculty at the California State University, Long Beach in the US working with
- Faculty at the University of Lucknow, India working with
- MERLOT- Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching.
Join MERLOT Voices online community discussions with the faculty at Lucknow University
Learn more about the project at the About Us section of this website.
This project was partially supported by a planning grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to California State University, Long Beach and a grant from the government of Utta Purdesh of India to the Academic Staff College of the University of Lucknow.