Physics Papers

The University of Lucknow faculty have redesigned their physics papers to include more inquiry-based instruction.   The table below provides the STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES as well as lesson plans for how to teach the subject matter.   The lesson plans also include grading rubrics for evaluating the quality of the student performance of the learning activities.

Classical Mechanics and Wave Motion Paper

Student Learning Outcomes for the Classical Mechanics and Wave Motion Paper
  1. Demonstrate ability to understand and formulate differences between the Inertial and Non-inertial reference frames and relate them to Newton's laws of motion vis-a-vis the thrills of this experience.
  2. Recognize and construct mathematical statements of relationship between various physical quantities like force/torque, linear/angular momentum, moment of inertia, and associate them with 'live' situations in the classroom and outside settings.
  3. Access old (to appreciate historical growth of logic) and new literature through internet etc. With explicit on-line demonstrations.
  4. Apply the knowledge of conservative/ non-conservative and central/ non-central forces to real life situations, such as gravitation, collision, friction, elasticity etc.
  5. Demonstrate skills to design examples of "real" (against the ideal but so-called "simple") harmonic motion using concrete mathematical forms.
  6. Demonstrate understanding of omnipresent wave concepts, as a close approximation to the simple harmonic waves, and their main properties, such as superposition etc. And to be able to verify the applicability of these properties towards observable features.
  7. Demonstrate the potential effects of the above physical processes on human beings in terms of our response to them.
  8. Design and construct the laboratory experiments to correlate the mechanical phenomena of different systems, draw their own conclusions (independent of text books) and predict the future systemic behavior based on deductive logic.
Classical Mechanics and Wave Motion Paper Lesson Plan Law of Gravitation

This lesson plan provides a description of how you would teach and conduct the learning activities in order to achieve one or more of the STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES.
Faculty Author Murli Manohar Verma Ph.D.
Department of Physics
University of Lucknow, UP, India
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Particle physics, Astrophysical Processes and Cosmology Paper

Student Learning Outcomes for the Particle physics, Astrophysical processes and Cosmology Paper
  1. Demonstrate the ability to understand various species of particles in broad classes of Bosons and Fermions (and further as three generations of lepto-quarks) and evince an understanding for the ongoing Higg's boson and dark matter searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
  2. Depict knowledge and understanding of effective interactions among particles (electro-magnetic, strong and weak) fitting in the Standard model, including the possible role for gravitation at small scales.
  3. Demonstrate good deal of appreciation for the size of the Universe (vis-a-vis our own !) and the observation/understanding of various, ancient or recently understood sky phenomena/objects (e.g. eclipses, planetary motions, constellations, solar activity, birth and death of stars, red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, blackholes, dark matter, dark energy, CMBR etc.).
  4. Design and use of devices/instruments (e.g. Sun/star dial, lunar phases etc, CCD photometers, small telescopes.) for numerical calculations and reach out to masses to dispel myths and fears.
  5. Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of the evolution of the expanding universe and the question of its origin with respect to general relativity and the alternative theories, in view of the current observations through structure surveys and CMBR etc.
  6. Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of the main difference between the Newtonian and the Einsteinian approach to gravitation with regard to the dynamical roles of pressure and energy density.
  7. Demonstrate the understanding of the kinematic correlations and interconnectivity of all components of the universe, big and small.
  8. Access internet to stay in tune with the latest observations and statistics for a clear understanding.
  9. Understand and appreciate our role as the observer in the universe.
Particle physics, Astrophysical processes and Cosmology Paper Lesson Plan TBD

This lesson plan provides a description of how you would teach and conduct the learning activities in order to achieve one or more of the STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES.
Faculty Author Murli Manohar Verma Ph.D.
Department of Physics
University of Lucknow, UP, India
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Geometrical and Physical Optics Paper

Student Learning Outcomes for the Geometrical and Physical Optics Paper
  1. Understand production, propagation and electro-magnetic wave nature of light, as well as the observable effects of this nature with distinct examples in geometrical and physical optics.
  2. Demonstrate skills to understand the construction/working of, and to handle, various optical devices/instruments such as prism, grating, spectrometer, interferometers, polarizers etc. as also to use them in laboratory and understand their applications in modern technology.
  3. Demonstrate comparative features of interference and diffraction in various experimental (laboratory and outside) conditions.
  4. Grasp ideas of polarization of light (in terms of the role of transverse electric field vector)—circular, plane and elliptical—pictorially and mathematically, and use their mathematical expressions for calculations.
  5. Solve the numerical problems in areas of geometrical and physical optics and design some new ones.
  6. Design some new experiments, preferably with low-cost available devices and be able to learn new ideas, besides those given in books.
  7. Appreciate the amazing role of interaction of light with matter and be humble to such interaction in the universe at large.
Geometrical and Physical Optics Paper Lesson Plan TBD

This lesson plan provides a description of how you would teach and conduct the learning activities in order to achieve one or more of the STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES.
Faculty Author Murli Manohar Verma Ph.D.
Department of Physics
University of Lucknow, UP, India
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